It’s Ok To Like “Bad” Games!

I’ve always had a few guilty pleasures in life. I mean let’s be real, who hasn’t? Mine tend to verge on the edge of insanity to some people and I’ve always been okay with that. I started thinking about this the other day while play Bubsy: Paws on Fire! My wife came in and asked what I was playing. She informed me that it sounded like Sonic the Hedgehog and looked like a lot of fun. While the Sonic reference checks out considering the similar soundtrack and endless running mechanisms in Bubsy, I really started to wonder about what makes certain games okay to play while others are scoffed at. She asked me if the game was good and I didn’t know how to answer that. I hadn’t looked at reviews yet but could only imagine how poorly a Bubsy game would review in 2019 (my hunch would later be corroborated after looking at the scores). Eventually I said, “I wouldn’t say it’s a good game, but I am having fun.”

Those words stuck with me. If I’m having fun isn’t it a good game? Reviewers have an obligation to give you an honest assessment of a game. That’s their job when they review a game. I’m tasked with this on a regular basis. Sometimes a game is broken or designed so poorly you just can’t complete it. In those cases it’s easy to tell people to steer clear of those games. But sometimes it’s just not your cup of tea or maybe other games do everything in that game better, yet the game is still playable and fun for the right audience.

Growing up in the 90’s we didn’t know what a good game or a bad game was, we just knew if we had fun or not. Looking back at some of my favorite games from that era, specifically the Capcom Disney games, I could see them getting low scores in this day and age, yet we had a blast playing them.


Another genre that is constantly mocked involve movie tie-ins. These games have a history of being thrown together in a hurry and puked out in order to be a quick cash grab with the film, but sometimes they are actually good. Last generation saw some really great movie tie-ins like Toy Story 3, X Men Origins: Wolverine and Cars. I enjoyed each and everyone of those games and they all reviewed well, yet I’m constantly mocked for my love of those games.

We live in a day and age where it’s so easy to communicate with one another through various forms of social media, hiding behind computers. This enables people to bash each other for games they like in a completely unnecessary way. It’s okay to tease each other and joke back and forth about the things that your friends like, but it’s never ok to belittle someone for the things that they enjoy.

That’s the beauty of video games. There is literally something for everyone. Even games that are critically acclaimed will resonate with some while others have no interest in them. Not liking a game is okay, but that doesn’t mean the game is bad.

So, I say all this to state one simple point – that if you enjoy something then just enjoy it. Don’t let anyone bring you down.

So to finally answer the question – “Is Bubsy: Paws on Fire! A good game?” Who cares? I’m enjoying the heck out of it and that’s all that matters.

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