Melbits World – Review (PS4)

Melbits World is an adorable little puzzle game that has the look of a fun, kid-friendly title. Like, it’s amazingly cute. And with the multiplayer controlled through an app on your phone, it makes it easy to bring your friends over to play.

In this game, you have one or two options that you are in charge of to control part of the world. You must work together with your teammate(s) to bring all of the free-moving Melbits home. Unless you change part of the world, they will follow a preplanned path that will not get them to their goal. On the way you also have to be careful to not accidentally let them fall off a cliff, get attacked by an enemy, or just take too long to get them to their finish line. Sounds simple, right?

Wrong. Though it looks like a kids game, Melbits World created the most anger and aggravation in a multiplayer game that I have seen since the last time I played Risk with friends. The game mostly runs fine, with occasional glitches between the console and the players’ controls. The main problem arises in the speed and accuracy needed for a player to complete a level. Too early in pressing your button, and you may not shoot your Melbit far enough for it to get to a higher level, thus dooming it to fall off a cliff. Too late, and it will either fall off a cliff, an enemy will get it, or it will just take too long to reach the goal.


Communicating with your teammate(s) can also be frustrating, as they control part of the world, and sometimes there isn’t enough time to discuss a strategy to reach your goal.


Overall, this game has the look of a wonderful, fun, puzzle game for kids but, in reality, it is near impossible for two adults to play without becoming frustrated. Due to occasional glitches and frustrating gameplay, we don’t recommend this game at all. It’s super frustrating for adults to play, let alone the kids it advertises to.

Melbits World was provided to the reviewer by the publishing company but this fact did not alter the reviewer’s opinion.

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