Ion Maiden – Preview (PAX East 2018)

Ion Maiden is a fast paced bloody mess and I loved every second of it. Growing up playing games like Doom really drew me to Ion Maiden because not only does the game feel like the games I know and love, but it is literally built using similar “old tech” found in those type of games. In fact, Duke Nukem 3D and many other games are actually built using the same Build Engine.

Even though the game looks like it’s from the 90’s, by no means does it feel stale. It feels wonderful jumping back into this classic type of gameplay. The addition of new technology really helps to push it forward in many new ways. Hundreds of new colors have been added to the palette along with some other behind the scene changes. Whether it is the electric baton zapping your enemies or a gatling gun ripping them apart, this game definitely feels a step above its predecessors.

Even though it is aesthetically similar, I think they did a wonderful job of making the guns look and feel different than previous games in the genre. The bombs were one of my favorites. They had a tracking mechanic that made it feel incredible to watch the body chunks go flying in every direction.  One of my favorite HUD choices of all time harkens back to Wolfenstein and Doom where your health is represented by a face at the bottom of the screen. The bloodier and more beat up the face becomes, the closer you are to death yourself. I was very pleased to see this visual make a reappearance.


You play as Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison a bomb disposal expert in a futuristic setting of DC. She is forced to use the bombs instead of dispose of them due to the circumstances. The villian Dr. Jadus Heskel has unleashed a variety of goons in this DC. It is very refreshing playing as a bad ass women in a genre that is so full of male characters.

This game is currently in early access on Steam and is set to release in Q3 of 2018 on PC, Mac, and Linux. This is definitely one to look forward too. Keep an eye on for a more in depth look at the full release later this year.

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