5 Predictions for Square Enix’s E3 Conference

Sequels, Sequels, and Probably More FF15

After a lackluster showing at E3 2015, Square Enix took a few years off to re-evaluate the way they handle such big events and are set to take the stage at E3 once again. It’s not that the content they provided the last time around was bad, it’s the way it was delivered that was the problem. With a bunch of games in the works and some surprises, we’re sure Square Enix will shine once again. Here are our top 5 Predictions of what we expect and want to see during their press conference.

1. Life is Strange 2 will be teased and Dontnod will be in the development chair this time around. Now that their most recent game, Vampyr, has shipped they should be back at the helm of their flagship property. While we don’t expect that the game is terribly far along, it’s safe to say that it is in development and after the surprise hit prequel last year it’s time to strike while the iron is hot. Even though Before the Storm was presented at Microsoft’s conference in 2017, expect the followup to be announced right here at the Square show.

2. One of the biggest titles that Square has teased in recent years is their upcoming Avengers game. We know very little about this title other than in some shape and form it involves The Avengers. We saw a brief teaser with Cap’s shield and some other snippets to get us going, but at E3 2018 we get to see our first game play and even get at the very least a release window, if not the actual date. With Sony releasing Spider-man this year there will be a void for a new Marvel game on the radar and this fits the bill.


3. We predict a new Nier game will also be teased. Following suit with what we said about Life is Strange, the Nier franchise has never been more valuable than it is currently. While it may not even be in development, expect a logo at the teasing that the game is in the works. If the one year celebration event at PAX East was any indication, this would get a huge reaction and help Square Enix ensure a positive vibe coming out of E3 2018.

4. After being in development for nearly a decade suddenly content cant be developed fast enough for Final Fantasy 15.  We’ve seen multiple single player chapters and even certain multiplayer elements released since the games initial launch. With no real evidence that Final Fantasy 16 is on the horizon it’s fairly safe to say that Square Enix is not done with Final Fantasy 15. We expect that at E3 this year we’ll see an announcement for even more FF15 DLC, probably set to release this fall, but possibly early next year. This would lead into next years probable teaser reveal of Final Fantasy 16 at long last.

5. Last but not least it’s time to talk about the Final Fantasy 7 remake! Well, at least we will here at Handsome Phantom while we make our E3 predictions because Square Enix isn’t going to even mention the game during their conference. That’s right, you heard it here first. There is already so much controversy surrounding the remake and we know it won’t be hitting store shelves anytime soon. So in order to save face and keep the conference flowing in a positive way, the Final Fantasy 7 remake will be completely omitted from their presentation.

It’s exciting to see what all Square Enix has in mind for us this year. After learning from past mistakes we expect them to come out swinging this year at their conference.

You can check out Square Enix on stage at E3 Monday, June 11 at 10 am PT and 1 PM ET. Let us know what your predictions are on our forums as well!

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