5 Predictions for Sony’s 2018 E3 Press Conference

Building the hype for what little Sony left unknown

E3 2018 is finally here. The hope and wonder is undeniably infectious across the gaming community. What do we do with that hope and wonder, you ask? What any gaming media outlet would do. Nail down some predictions and pray to Shuhei.

Sony threw us a curve ball this year and gave us their key focus points, but there has to be some filler and surprises somewhere (it’s E3!). So without further ado, here we go.

  1. Dreams launches a gameplay trailer and is out Q1 2019

Dreams has had a rough path, but with its extensive coverage during PSX last year, it is starting to gain a clear identity and positive preview response. Both Sony and Media Molecule both know this thing needs to get out fast before the milk sours, so with just a bit more insight from marketing it should be ready to go. At the very least we will get a mention about Dreams and a solid release date, I’m guessing Q1 2019 alongside newly confirmed Days Gone.


2. PSN name changes go live…TODAY

We’ve all seen them, you may be one of them, and we’ve been praying to Shuhei from the mountain tops for years now. IT IS TIME. Our boy Shaun Laden does not want to return to PSX come December with his tail between his legs after telling Greg Miller last year that he hopes to not have to be asked that question again. Many are forecasting this to happen closer to the end of the year, but this just seems too good of a time in a year where most of their studio’s projects are accounted for and announced. Sony loves to wow us, and this could definitely be a wow moment.

3. Bluepoint announces their next remake, Uncharted: Golden Abyss

Bluepoint has already mentioned that they are working on another remake. What better project than to remake a great piece to a legendary series that released on a platform hardly anyone used. I’m confident there will be some time in the conference set aside to tout the Playstation heritage, so this would be perfect timing for Bluepoint to announce this gem, and following their incredible work on Shadow of the Colossus, I could definitely make some time to platinum it again.

4. Hideo Kojima shows just another trailer and nothing more for Death Stranding

The king of hype could absolutely get away with just another trailer for his mystery project, and I believe he will do just that. While it would be great to see some actual gameplay or at least a clearer picture of what this game actually is, if its release date is as far off as most think it is, then we will probably just get another trailer showcasing some new character voiced by Troy Baker or something.

5. God of War DLC to end the show

God of War for PS4

I find it so strange nobody is talking about this. Maybe they think its too soon, but I feel it wouldn’t be difficult to put together a teaser for an idea I’m sure is already in the works. Horizon: Zero Dawn’s DLC The Frozen Wilds came out just 7 months after the initial release, and Horizon’s development was just as every bit as ambitious as God of War’s. There’s no reason this can’t be a big surprise to end out the show, in fact, it seems more plausible than my other predictions. I’ve actually never bought DLC for a game before but this game just might change that. Whether it gets announced on Monday or not, we know it’s coming and it’s going to be a banger.

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