Overwatch Summer Games Start Today!

Get Pumped!

Fans of Overwatch were just recently treated to a new character and now we get to try him out in this year’s Summer Games! As they did last year, Blizzard will be running the Summer Games event which is something fans of the title have been heavily anticipating this year.

A big feature that many fans have been looking forward to is the discovery of the various new skins that will appear during the Summer Games. Not only have we seen a few leaks of what may be presented to us in the hours to come, but gamer director Jeff Kaplan has nearly confirmed we’ll see more than what is expected. We also know that last year’s skins will be available for purchase and in loot boxes.

The Summer Games event will bring back Lucioball – a game mode that is exclusive to the Summer Games. If you aren’t familiar with the mode, think of it like a mix between football and Rocket League, except played exclusively with the Lucio character. These matches are quick paced and a ton of fun.


We don’t know exactly what time the Summer Games will commence, but you can expect it very soon!

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