Population Zero – Impressions (PC)

Within minutes of taking my first steps in the vibrant alien planet of Kepler-438b, I had to insatiable urge to re-watch Interstellar. This is because Population Zero sets up as almost a sequel to Chris Nolan's sci-fi epic. As part of the

Edible Underwear – Episode 4

The perfect gift. HP After Dark comes to you once a month from the crew at Handsome Phantom. We're a website all about video games, but this show is just a little extra content about whatever is on our mind at the moment. To get the

A Fold Apart – Review (PC)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRSE7BCET44&w=560&h=315] Not since Gris has an indie puzzle game had the ability to evoke such a strong emotional impact. While that game was somewhat ambiguous in its interpretation, this game is