Nintendo Needs to Kill The 3DS

The Big N Created an Internal Console War

I haven’t traveled with my 3DS since Nintendo released the Switch nearly two years ago. I’m sure, like me, most of you prefer to travel with as little as possible and having to take more than one portable system with you can just be a nuisance. When they announced the Switch, Nintendo seemed to have a product on their hands that would not only replace the Wii U as the home console, but would allow the 3DS to finally rest in peace as well. Yet, here we are with the re-release of the original Luigi’s Mansion and the game is only releasing on the 3DS!? Really? The 3DS? With a newly announced sequel underway it seems that the Switch would be the ideal platform for fans to replay this under appreciated GameCube Launch title, yet Nintendo seems unwilling to let the 3DS die.During the transition it seemed likely that titles could release on both consoles as the Switch made its way into the homes of more and more consumers. However, two years later we still must worry about both of what are basically Nintendo’s handheld consoles. Often the Switch is played on the go and in handheld mode, so why in the world would I spend $40 to replay Luigi’s Mansion on a system that I haven’t picked up in over a year? The answer is simple, I wouldn’t. I have a trip planned at the end off the month and I would love nothing more than to take the lesser loved Italian plumber on an adventure through that haunted mansion, but instead I’ll be playing a different rerelease – The World Ends with You.

At the same time that Nintendo is porting GameCube games to the 3DS they are porting and remaking 3DS games for the Switch. Where is the logic here? Why can’t we just get all these remakes, remasters and ports on the Switch? Even if they must release them for both consoles at least this way they would be accessible on your shiny new hardware as well. This would at least make sense over the course of a couple years until more owners have the Switch, even though the Switch is one of the fastest selling consoles of all time we’d give them a pass if they could meet us half way.

Who are remakes like this actually for? Hardcore Nintendo gamers that want to replay or check out Luigi’s Mansion would surely have the new console on which they would prefer to play it. So, if not for them, is Nintendo just trying to appease late adapters by releasing something on the 3DS at this time? The more you think about it the more questions you have and the fewer answers are revealed.


WarioWare Gold is another example of the hardcore faithful having to choose between dusting of their old handheld or passing on the game altogether. Talking to those who un-retired their old hardware you probably should just pass. Again, had it been released on both consoles that would have made sense, but making us play a game on an obsolete device for no apparent reason is just maddening.

Hopefully as we head into year three of the Switch, Nintendo begins to wise up and just let the 3DS out to pasture. With a newly announced Switch redesign coming it appears the time has finally come and we really hope all future games are just released on the Switch.

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