Half Past Fate – PAX East Preview

Since the beginning of time men and woman have always had problems connecting. Missed opportunities haunt people their entire lives. Half Past Fate is a dating sim/adventure game that follows six people as they attempt to build relationships that could last a few hours or the rest of their lives. Decisions you make could help determine exactly how long these relationships will last.

During our private demo at PAX East, Serenity Forge gave us a peak into one chapter of this story.

We start with a character who has an existing “relationship” with a barista at the coffee shop where he is a regular patron. His friend convinces him that today is the day he finally asks her out. Full of hope, he enters the coffee shop with the expectation of doing just that. Unfortunately, like most people, he is in a bit of a hurry and the line is long. Conversation plays a huge role in this game so you’ll want to make sure to converse with everyone that you can. Through conversations you begin to see what it would take for others to let you cut in line. One customer needs cream, the other some change. Complete side tasks in order to help the other patrons get what they need so that you can cut in line.


Once completing all the tasks you’ll realize that the barista doesn’t know that he’s a regular at this shop and clearly has no visible interest in the character at this time. She didn’t even get his order right so now he has to get back in line.

Though short, the demo gave us a good look at what you’ll be doing during the game and a glance at the humor as well. Half Past Fate is sure to delight fans of narrative driven adventure games when it releases on PC and consoles sometime this year.

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